After much preparation, paperwork, and a parade, the Gaylord Garden Club Kickoff Meeting was a grand success! We hit double digit membership the first evening and new members each club meeting thereafter.
We are a fun group of community-minded gardeners and we welcome anyone with a desire to learn, a desire to share their passion, and a desire to beautify our hometown of Gaylord, Minnesota. No gardening experience necessary to join our club because every gardener was a beginner at one point in their life. Whether you are into aquaponics, hydroponics, container gardening, cottage gardens, formal gardens, veggie gardens, low-maintenance gardens, or any other type of legal gardening, you are welcome to join us at our monthly meeting at the Public Library conference room - unless otherwise noted on Facebook. The meeting starts at 7pm and usually lasts about an hour.
The great thing about gardening is that there's always something new to learn no matter how long you've been a gardener. And you know what? There's no such thing as a know-it-all gardener. The wonderful world of horticulture - the culture of plants for food, comfort, and beauty is simply too vast and there's new discoveries made all the time! Some gardeners harken back to heirloom seeds and plants, but that's a blog for another day...